
my favorite dog

Friday, November 4, 2011

feels like a good day to jump

So next friday I am going to enter my first craft fair.  Well really it is my first whatever fair.....ever.....

I have been told that I have the "best cards"  but sometimes i wonder what the people who don't see my cards through the eyes of loving me will see.  It is kind of like auditioning on American Idol--"my family says I sound like James Brown"  and really they sound like an alley cat.

And of course even if people do like them do they like them enough to pay money for them?  What if my glue doesn't hold?  What if they end up looking cheap next to other peoples things?  What if no one comes ?  what if they walk by my table the way i have walked by so many others in the past?  What if I am not as good as I would like to be or that others have said I am?

what if, what if, what if.......I can think of all kinds of dumb things to motivate me right now, but really in a lot of ways it is about my dog.  Sounds stupid doesn't it?  I am talking about my dead dog here motivating me to try something new.  why?

Because I loved Allie.  Loving God, loving an animal, loving things motivates one to take greater risks.  I loved my dog, I love making cards and those are two of the things that motivate me to step out on a limb.  Ultimately for me my creativity is inspired by loving.  Whether it is loving a living being or loving to do something love inspires me.

so here me and my dead dog go out into the unknown and the risk of all my whatifs coming true.  Feels like a good day to jump.

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