
my favorite dog

Saturday, October 22, 2011

pom pom daisies

I know, I know, these are  not cards, but i have an obsessive compulsive disease when it comes to pom poms.

For real though.  We humans were created by a God who makes something incredible out of nothing special.  And since we are created in the image of God we all have within us the need to create something.  It doesn't have to be a huge work of art or a book published or a photograph seen around the world.  being creative is that which you do/make that gives life to you and to the people around you.

For me that is cards and pom poms.  They make me feel alive and most people kind of like them.  I feel alive when i am creating something,and i hope that through blogs like these people find something that inspires them to create :).

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