
my favorite dog

Friday, April 13, 2012

allie dog

So this was my dog allie.  I got her when we had been in colorado about a year.  I hated it, I was homesick and lonely.  So my poor husband in quiet desperation took me to find a dog.

As it turned out I did not find the puppy, my family did....and they were the ones to name her.  But my little family knew me.  Her feisty and loyal personality were exactly what I needed.

That little ball of fur was six weeks old when we brought her home.  All we knew was that she was a border collie/australian shepherd mix.  We had no idea  what we were in for.  We sure found out.

Plastic was her favorite thing to chew, she had a special liking for barbie doll heads, my girls were not pleased.  Allie delighted in chewing everyones "favorite" thing.  She dug hole after hole after hole.  One year when we were out of town our neighbors were watching her and they brought her a bone for thanksgiving  She dug up my two HUGE planters in the front room to bury them.  You have to give her kudos for creativity.

After 16 years she was old and sick and it was time to let her go.  It broke my heart, but she needed it.  She would have stayed by my side until the day i died.  Her life was me.  She didn't know she was a dog, she knew she was mine if that makes any sense.  Somehow for both of us life was better knowing the other was there.

I still do not understand the connection between making cards and my dog.  It's not like I have her paw prints and she helped  me stamp or anything. But for some reason since she died seeing pictures of her here or there sparks something in my heart and I need to create something.

There is just something about a dogs love that makes life different.  Allie was a constant reminder of unfailing, unconditional love often to an owner who did not always earn it or deserve it.

So happy crafting everyone.  Every one has something in them that is God given and it is pure and beautiful and creative.  Whether you can sew or mop floors until they shine, make a card, build a home or make a bathroom look like a place someone wants to sit a while.  I encourage you to experiment and find what you love and do it.  Even if nobody else cares.

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